Counter-reformation in Rome: the papal regime
We will retrace the most discussed places of the Counter-Reformation in Rome: from the Jewish ghetto, where the Jews were locked up starting from 1555, to the place of public executions, Campo dei fiori. We will cross the famous piazza Navona which was, together with via del Corso, the area where festivals where organized to distract Roman people from their condition of pauverty. We will stop at the old university La Sapienza and its borrominian church of St. Ivo alla Sapienza. We will continue with the two churches of the Jesuit power at the time: the church of Jesus and the church of St. Ignatius of Loyola. We will also visit, an example of a Counter-Reformation palace and its collection: the Doria-Pamphilj Palace
The tour lasts from three to four hours.
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