ART EDUCATION: seminars and workshops

ART EDUCATION: seminars and workshops

Since the beginning, Art and Art Education have had the important mission of mediating between Technology and Nature. That is why, it is indispensable today that Technology go back to lag behind Man, his history and Nature. Technology should return to be considered as a useful and positive instrument for the elevation of the human being and his soul. In a few words: Man and Nature should find again their centre and Technology be at the service of the Common Good.

Therefore, if Education, deriving from the Latin word educĕre, means ‘revealing’ or ‘exposing’ to the outside, then Art Education means take out through Art: a spiritual and creative path, along which anyone may discover his inner well-being and recognize his infinite and inexplicable potentials and beauty. This helps to lower any personal defenses and meet the others without unreservedly.

I do believe that Art Education can truly help man find himself again and rediscover the sense of circularity for human relationships by the means of Art and Knowledge in favour of the Common Good. On this purpose, I have deliberately chosen an interdisciplinary educational approach to Art.

My seminars therefore include moments of artistic and thematic externalization, in order to provide participants with the possibility of acquiring important tools for inner growth applicable in Art educational activities, as well as in one’s daily professional, family and friendship life.

At the end of the courses, the participants will be able to use each of these cultural means to create metaphorical artistic itineraries touching the heartstrings of everyone’s Spirit (children or adults) who will transform themselves from simple visitors into spect-Actors of each proposed activity.

The seminars are also held upon request in Italian, French or English. They are aimed at educators and teachers, museum operators, high school and university students, parents and any adult who may be interested in it.

From theory into practice, hereunder some of my suggested themes (other workshops will be tailored according to your needs):

Fairy Tales in the Visual Arts

The invisible theater and image theater at the museum

Playing Educational tours. Creating interactive educational tours (families/kids/pre-primary and primary school)

Beyond bounderies: seeing. Creating interdisciplinary Educational tours (families/teen-agers/middle and high schools)