My resumé




Bruno A., George W. Breck, un artista del Rinascimento americano, forthcoming, Palombi Editori, Roma

Bruno A., Intorno all’Educazione all’Arte, dall’eutropia all’eutopia, Palombi Editori, Roma, 2018

Bruno A., Anima Persa Anima Ritrovata, periegesi all’interno dei giardini vaticani, Palombi Editori, Roma, 2017

Bruno A. e Bonasera C. A prova di sbadiglio. Giochiamo con il paesaggio, Palombi Editori, Roma, 2010

Bruno A. e Bonasera C. A prova di sbadiglio. Giochiamo con il ritratto, Palombi Editori, Roma, 2009

Reports on her books can be found in



Bruno A., “Il rinnovato giardino del chiostro di S. Giovanni in Laterano” (The renewed garden of St. John in the Laterna) in “All’Ombra del Cupolone” scv-bollettino n. 1 (2012)

Bruno A.,“George W. Breck in St. Paul-within the walls ” in the catalogue “Enchanted from Rome” (93-104 pgg. Palombi Ed – 2005)

2012- 2017 Articles on art and Art Education and furthermore in

2014 for the journal Nigrizia



2018-2020 English teacher at the Secondary School I grade

2020 conferences for the Libera Università del Cinema, Rome

2017/2020 Monthly conferences and workshops on Art Education, Historical gardens.

2019 Free cooperation as an Art Educator in the project MACRO-ASILO (museum of Contemporary Art) and in Michelangelo Pistoletto’s project TERZO PARADISO – Rebirth Forum)

Since 1994, (

  1. Art and Archeological Educational tours in Rome and environs
  2. Art workshops for kids and/or adults
  3. Sensory pathways
  4. Seminaries and conferences on Art Education and/or Historical gardens

 Since 2006 official guide at the Vatican city

2013/2014 screen-writer for the Film Association: Baruffa film.

2012/2013 her project “A prova di sbadiglio” took part at Alitalia’s general project People Care 

2011 contract signed with the Governatorate of the Vatican City for the project: Analisys of artistic and historical renovation project of the Vatican Gardens” mentioned in her book Anima Persa Anima Ritrovata, periegesi all’interno dei giardini vaticani, (Palombi Editori 2017).

2011 her project for the monastic garden of St. John in the Lateran’s cloister  was approved by the Vatican Gardens and Governatorate

Since 1998 official guide of Rome and environs

1992 translator for the Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome

1990/1991 translator and interpreter at S.I.T.A ., Italian Airline telecomunication company, today at Pomezia.

1984-1994 English teacher in a Catholic High School in Rome



2013 project “culture and memory. Photography and videoart” for  C. e M. Riccardi’s  AGR Press, Rome

2013 Seminary for adults: “Stupore e meraviglia. Sulla via della conoscenza: video art e bambini(Amazament and wonder. On the way of knowledge and consciousness: children and videoart) at AGR Press, Rome.

2011  the following projects were approved by the Vatican gardens and Governatorate:

  • Events and twinnings
  • Educational tours for kids and teenagers; thematic Educational tours for university students and adults passionated with gardens.

2002-2003 the project “A prova di sbadiglio” was involved in the larger municipality project “Roma città come scuola” (Rome as a school field)



2012 Art therapy and Creative expressions at SIPEA

2006 license as an official guide of the Vatican city and Pontifical villas and gardens at Catelgandolfo

1999 license as an official guide Rome and environs 

Since 1992 enrolled as a court-appointed expert of Rome as an interpreter and tranlator



2012, Master of Art therapy and Creative expressions at SIPEA

1998 – Laurea (Degree) in Foreigner Languages and Literature at the IULM (Ist. Univ. Lingue Moderne) in Milan.

1990 – Diploma of Interpreter and translater (English and French/Italian) at S.S.I.T. (Sc. Sup. per Int. e Trad.) in Florence.

1982 Secondary school leaving certificate at the High School of Rossano (Cs).



2017-2019 courses on Theatre of the Oppressed (Auguste Boal).

2015 footage and editing video classes held by the videomaker and editor Vincenzo Marinangeli

2014 screenwriting and documentary classes at the cinematography school “Sentieri Selvaggi” in Rome

2009-2011 lessons of gardening and art gardening, floriculture, held by Luciano Cecchetti, responsable of the Vatican gardens until 2014 and today responsable of the gardens of the ville Pontificie at the papal residence of Castel Gandolfo.

19922000 seminaries and conferences on psychology and children psychology, held by the psychatrist Mr. Luigi Anepeta and his assistant the psycologist Mrs Elvira Rossi.

2009 – seminaries on Storytelling at FIST (International Festival of storytelling) Rome.

1995 – auditor of Educational tours performed by the Didactic section of the National Gallery in London.

19941999 lessons on Art history (modern and contemporary art) (from the XVIII century to nowadays) and of historical gardens held by prof. Gabriele Borghini from the Italian Ministery of Art.

1995-2000 – Lectio of the Gospil  by prof. Guido I. Gargano (Pontifical Lateranse University) and of the Bible by the Combonian missionaire f. Alex Zanotelli.