In the papal galleries and Sistine Chapel with the kids
- Among the mythical papal collection of ancient statues and Michelangelo’s paintbrushes in the Sistine Chapel. We will follow in the footsteps of Julius II – the pope who believed he was the continuation of Julius Caesar – and his artists. We will cross his temple of the Muses and we will meet Apollo, the god of the Sun… and… before ending up in the Sistine Chapel, we will discover how much Michelangelo loved ancient statues and then… we will end up among the stories painted by his brushes…
- Among the mummies of the Egyptian Museum and Michelangelo’s brushes in the Sistine Chapel. Like explorers of the 19th century… we will meet mummies and talking objects… Osiris in the theater and Anubis who looks like the god Mercury because of the way he dressed! A fully immersive tour full of fun stories…Both itineraries include some expressive activities, so it is advisable to choose these kind of visits to the Vatican Museums only in wintertime, when the tourist influx decreases.Please ask for further information about these fully immersive educational tours
These itineraries will include some expressive activities
Please ask further information
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